Welcome to our journey!
“We want to explore the world by bicycle. Get as far as Laos and explore Iran in between, the bizarre landscapes of Cappadocia, the vast expanses of Central Asia and the Himalayas”. We set off with all these ideas and images in our heads when we began our cycling trip to Southeast Asia in July 2020. We were open and curious about all the new impressions and encounters and it was clear from the beginning, that this should be a slow journey that leaves many outcomes open and allows us to take our time to explore a region. However, we had no idea how much this trip would shape us, how slow it would really become and in which direction it would change us and that’s a good thing.
We reached India in November 22 and stayed longer than planned, and during this time the bike trip became more a journey inwards. We left the bicycles stored frequently and other things became more important. Being on the road for more than 4 years does something to you and doesn’t always take you where you think it will and that’s how it should be. As all those deviations, encounters and changes are the pure essence of such a long trip. After a longer stay in Southeast Asia, we decided to end this trip and returned to Switzerland in September 2024. Find out why this sudden change and what our next moves will be in our newest blog and video.
Thank you for having been part of this incredible journey. We wish to inspire others with our website to take time to explore the world in a conscious way and to press pause sometimes instead of constantly running from one peak experience to the next. The only moment we have is now. Be grateful for it!
With much love, Lisa & Dario
The only Constant in Life is Change (63)
1307 days on the road: Looking back at 4 years “Erfahrung der Welt”
We are back in Switzerland and officially finished our cycling trip after more than four years. And not as planned at all as life turned out differently once again. Find out in this last blog what has changed, which invaluable lessons we learned from this extensive trip and where our next separate paths will take us.
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