
Tajikistan: Pamiri culture in the Wakhan Valley (54)

Central Asia Part 6: Cycling along the Afghan border

We are in Khorog (30’000 inhabitants), the capital of the Autonomous Province of Gorno-Badakhshan. We’re back down at just over 2000 meters and experiencing pleasant, mild autumn temperatures and blue skies. It’s already a huge contrast to the barren Pamir plateau where we’ve been traveling the last few days. From here, only a few meters separate us from the Afghan border, which we will follow for the next week.

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Pamir Highway: Cycling on the roof of the world (53)

Central Asia Part 5: Along the Pamir Highway via Murghab to Khorog

We have a sleepless night behind us. In front of the majestic mountain panorama of the Pamirs unfolds and we’re uncertain whether we’ll cross the Tajik border today. Never before has a border crossing made us so nervous. The border was closed during the last years and only with many special permits and the help of Shamurat, a guesthouse owner in Sary-Tash, two Australians managed to enter Kyrgyzstan via the Kyzyl-Art border. We are next in line, just in the other direction.

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